Spindle Centering Devices
For optimum efficiency in terms of production and quality, there are many settings to be attended on ring frame. Setting a spindle in centre of the respective ring is also a bery crucial. The conventional method used in most of the mills till now is cumbersome and inaccurate. The reason is, it solely depemds on visual judgement of the operator, which is affected by fatigue. Thus a lot of variation occurs in spindle gauging, ultimately affecting yarn quality.
SPINDLE CENTERING DEVICE is introduced for accurate centering of spindle on ring frames. A very fine accuracy of 0.1 mm can be achieved with the use of this device. Obviously, it will reduce yarn breakages and imrove yarn quality.
Many renowned mills in India and abroad, are already using this device and are benefitted.
General Information
The unit is designed to operate on a 12V rechargable maintenanace free battery. The battery charger is a integral part of the measuring unit. For charging battery, one has only to plug in three pin socket in any of the 220 VAC, 5 Amp supply. The whole unit is mounted on a trolley so that it can be easily moved in the department.
For accurate centering a sensor probe along with a toolroom made spindle sleeve is used Each probe and sleeve is tailor made as per the samples supplied by the client. Each probe is supplied with a master centre for perfect caliberation of measuring unit. This is called a set. If you are required to use spindle cenetering device for different sizes of rings and spindles, we will supply seperate sets of senso probe and master centre. Care will have to be taken, to avoid mixing of sets.
Front Panel
The front panel of the measuring unit consists of the digital meters, indicators, switches, a socket and potentiometers.
For optium efficiency in terns of production and quality there are many settings to be attended on ring frame. Setting a spindle in centre of the respective rinf is also a very crucial The conventional method used in most of the mills till now is cumbersome and inaccurate. The reason is, it solely depends on visual judgement of the operator, which is affected by fatigue. Thus a lot of variation occurs in spindle gauging, ultimately affecting yarn quality.
SPINDLE CENTERING DEVICE is introduced for accurate centering of spindle on ring frames A very fiene accuracy of 0,1 mm can be achieved with the use if this device. Obviously it will reduce yarn breakages and improve yarn quality.
Many renowened mills in India and abroad are already using this device and are benefitted.
We offer Spindle Centering Devices for our clients at affordable market prices. These devices are designed at our hi-tech facility and make use of the quality equipment and tools installed for the purpose. Customers can avail our products as per their specifications and are provided with cutting-edge devices in compliance with international standards of quality.
We offer spindle centering devices for the benefit of our organization. Spinning mills consider the yarn quality highly important. The spun yarn is known for having good uniformity, less hairiness and less breakage especially when the spindle is in the center of a ring. Major contributor ends up being the spindle gauging on ring frames. In India, we are the pioneers in manufacturing and developing these devices. 450 spinning mills all across the world use this device made by our company.
Sensing unit comprises centering sleeve, proprietary item and sensor probe. The spindle and ring of the user are provided with tailor made sleeves and probes. Inputs from the sensor are interpreted by the stable and reliable electronics, which even showcase the deviation from the center or the relative position. Both mains and rechargeable batteries can be used for making these devices work.
Salient Features
Facilitates precise centering of spindles with respect to ring
Wrong centering due to fatigue, visual misjudgements totally eliminated
Accuracy to the tune of 0.025 mm
Specially designed trolley for easy opeations
LED indications in X and Y directions on front panel
Reduces peak tensions end breakages, prematured wear of ring & travellers
Works on mains or rechargable battery
RESULT : Improved quality, Higher production, Longer life of ring and ring travellers